It Is Time That You...
Discover A Shocking Secret System To Finally End Your Anxiety & Panic Attacks Forever... Because Anxiety & Panic Is Eating Up The Life You Have Left!!
This may be the most important thing you ever read about finally getting free of anxiety and panic attacks once and for all.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever struggle with panic attacks, really sweaty palms, morning anxiety, agoraphobia, depression or general anxiety disorder?
Are you doing the constant mental "check in" to see how you are doing, to see how much anxiety you are experiencing in the moment?
How about tremors, a racing heart, anxious thoughts and feelings, expecting really bad things to happen, trouble sleeping, excessive thinking (over thinking), analysis paralysis, fear of getting really sick or catching a deadly disease?
I ask because I used to have all of this as well, and I mean all of it. It really sucks doesn't it?
But Here Is Something You Need To Know...
Over 20% of Americans suffer from some form of anxiety, and those are only the recorded cases. If the statistic is that strong in the U.S. it has to be very similar in other places around the world. And we have to take into account the number of cases that are not reported, that could easily be another 5% without difficulty. That means that around 1 in 4 people have anxiety. ONE IN FOUR!!!
That is staggering, and to be honest I have to say that I think that likely takes it to epidemic proportions.
Above I called you "friend", and I mean that when I say friend, because anyone who suffers with Anxiety and Panic is a friend of mine, because I know the pain, constant challenge it can bring and the destruction it causes to your life. I will tell you more about my successful journey that ended anxiety and panic in a minute.
But right now I want to talk about about you and your life, the horrible effect that anxiety is having on it, and how you can be anxiety free very soon. Does that sound good to you?
If you are anything like me and most other people who suffered from anxiety and panic, then you know that when you look back, you used to be "so much better". Your state of mine, your physical health, your hunger for life, your ability to appreciate the simple things. Then over time that fear grows.
The FEAR starts out small, doesn't it? Nothing disturbing, just an annoyance.
It's almost like that little fear, that at first you did not even recognize as fear, soon seems to have worked it's way into almost every area of your life. How does this happen, right?
Then it's this little niggling fear always there preventing you from doing stuff, keeping you closer to home because hey, you're safer there right?You then slowly notice that your idea of fun has gone out the window, and now your main concern is just trying to feel normal again.
It is amazing how trying to feel normal seems to take over and be the thing you want most. Trying to push anxiety away becomes the thing you do non-stop. I really hated how when I pushed against it, it seemed to push back and got worse. You have experienced this haven't you?
Did you ever challenge the fear, like everyone says to do and then back away when it got too strong?
I did that too, and then I noticed that it got worse after every time I backed away. Did that happen to you? I noticed that that seemed to make it worse.
Then it grows a bit more, doesn't it? Into this thing that really has control over your life. It is no longer a thing that just whispers at you to stay home and be safe, but now it commands you to do it. It tells you that you are safer at home. But you know that you can't just listen to that voice, so you push back. You force yourself to go out.
And of course while you are out, you feel like you want to crawl out of your skin and the only thing you can think of is getting home and feeling safe again.
Then you start to turn down social events and missing work. All the while wondering...
Can people tell how much I am really struggling? Can they see it on my face? When they talk to me? Is it obvious to them how much I am struggling?
Then they start to see you looking more tired or wired, taking more sick days, being less productive and just kind of, "not there anymore".
Are you worried that you could lose your job?
I ask because of course fear becomes something that takes over your decision making abilities. Every decision and thought you think is covered with fear, and of course the outcome of fear based decisions is never what you want right? We all know this.
Have you ever thought how much this anxiety and panic is costing you in dollars?
Between missed days or work, or the lost sale, the cost of prescriptions, natural supplements, or therapy sessions.
And of course this is nothing compared to what you are losing in "life terms" when you think about the fun you missed out on, the trips and vacations, the places you could go but can't, the kids events, spending quality time with good friends, and the list goes on and on..
But how do you "stop it" is the real question most people ask. You would probably like to learn how to stop it wouldn't you?
How Do I Stop This? I Am Going Crazy.. And I am Scared..
Everybody I talk to and coach and who buys my products, asks that question because as you have already found Anxiety and Panic is really challenging to overcome. The truth is that it is not difficult to overcome, but it sure does feel that way, doesn't it?
You have probably found that it has a staying power like nothing else in your life, and also has a power over you to get you to do anything it wills you to. Which of course is not what you want to do.
Now, if you are someone who experiences Panic attacks as well, then I seriously feel for you. I really do because Panic attacks in my opinion have to be the worst experience ever.
You feel like the world is about to crash in on you, you can't breathe, the walls are closing in, everything is going to fast, your heart is beating out of control, your mind is racing with the worst thoughts possible, you swear that death is coming in a matter of seconds, and in many cases you wish it would to simply end that terribly painful experience.
YUCK!!! Panic attacks are the worst and they are eating your life up. They are sucking your energy and shrinking your life down into something that is not worth anything. That is what anxiety and panic are doing to you and it has to stop now, doesn't it?
Here Is What Happened To Me...
That photo to the right is me, I’m the guy on the right with the hairy chest :), blowing fire out of my mouth on a beach in Thailand. (pretty cool photo hey?)
The other picture below is me with my buddy Ian and Mt. Everest in the background, we were in Nepal for 6 weeks trekking around the Himalayas, it was amazing..
I used to be a serious world traveler. I was adventurous, fun, easy going and always up for excitement. I used to have an awesome life, I was traveling around the world, loving life and living it to the fullest.
I am not going to lie, my life was the envy of most people I knew. Everywhere I went was for the purpose of fun, enjoyment, adventure and achievement. It truly was an amazing thing and I loved it. Who wouldn't right?
It was a work of art that I was creating. I was so full of life, energy, happiness and fun.
I would often have those moments where I would simply stop, take a breath and say to myself. WOW, my life is awesome.
And then it happened….
One morning I awoke with a start, I shot up straight as my phone was ringing from across the house. My gut was as tight as a drum, my body was shaking, and my mind was racing, anxious and scared.
This was the first time I had ever experienced anxiety, and it scared the life out of me, literally.
It was such a foreign feeling coming from someone who was such an adventurous, happy, outgoing, and fun person.
From that point forward, it began to grow in my life, I started waking up every single morning like that, scared that bad things were going to happen, that I was going to be hurt, that I might hurt someone else, that I was going to get cancer or some other life threatening disease. You have likely had these fears haven't You?
My awesome life was soon replaced with one of anxious thoughts, fear, and constant hiding.
I fought it as much as I could, I pushed against it, trying to not let anxiety get a tighter grip on my life, but I lost that battle over and over again. I bet you know how this feels, don't you?
I went from only experiencing anxiety in the morning to experiencing it at night as well, because I became afraid of how I would feel when I woke up. From there it started to really affect my sleep, and I had always been one of those people who sleeps quite well and really enjoys it. But now it became something I was afraid of, and something that represented discomfort and struggle.
I would wake up in the morning either completely exhausted or hyper energized with intense fear. This was what followed a typical night of nightmares and shallow fitful sleep that was never rejuvenating. Does this sound familiar to you?
Anxiety Was Winning And I Was Losing
Do you know how this feels? I can think of a very good word to describe it. ROTTEN. Just simply Rotten, that is how I felt on a day to day basis.
The morning anxiety, then turned into a low grade growling anxious feeling that stayed with me all day. Over a period of months, it got worse and stayed with me almost all the time. I have to say, that at this point, I was really hating my life and I had never felt so powerless ever.
One day as I was trying to get some of my life back and saying “F you” to the anxiety, I decided to fly up to Alaska for a break on a long weekend. This was when it really happened for me.
We were sitting at the gate, waiting for some people to get on the plane (by the way, when does a plane ever wait for anyone? I have been seconds late for planes and they would not let me on. I mean seriously?).
So as I was sitting there I started to feel impatient and a bit uncomfortable, it was hot.
The people finally arrived and they closed the plane door. Then I started to feel this impatient feeling get stronger, and then I felt some anger, and then I started to feel quite trapped.
Which was very odd for me as I had traveled so much and had been on hundreds of plane rides, long and short, good and bad ones. I have never had an issue and in fact I quite enjoyed flying and found it to be a very comfortable and relaxing thing to do. It gave me a chance to unplug and do nothing, just sit back and read or sleep but all that ended very quickly.
The Next Thing I knew… WHAMMO!!!
I got hot, wayyy too hot, I was totally overheating, I had a thought of “what if I can’t cool down, what if I keep getting hotter and hotter” (obviously anxious thoughts right?). My heart started to beat faster and faster, and thumping in my chest, completely out of control. I was getting really scared and it was all happening very very fast.. Too fast.
My skin started to get really red and prickly all over. It felt like someone had poured a large bottle of soda water into my brain, as everything felt like it was popping and exploding and in that moment I was officially and clinically having a panic attack. It scared me more than I had ever been scared in my entire life.
At this point we were almost out on the runway, and the flight attendants were getting pretty worked up, as I would not sit down and was completely freaking out. I thought if I did not get off the plane I was going to die right there, expecting my heart was going to explode. Little did I know at the time but that was the first of many panic attacks to come.
The next panic attack came about 3 months later, then they started happening more regularly. My life was shrinking pretty fast, the daily anxiety had gotten completely out of control, and I found myself avoiding all social gatherings.
I hated myself and I hated my life, and I wanted to die. You might even know this feeling, and if you do, I really feel for you because I have been through hell and back. However if you are still suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, you may be in hell right now, is that what its like for you? Total hell on earth?
I Began Spending More Time In Total Isolation From The World!
Sometimes I would try to face that fear, then fail and come home, sit down on my couch shaking like a leaf in a storm and simply cry my face off. I am not embarrassed at all to say that now, but at the time it was the deepest shame I could have possibly imagined. I mean what can you do when the fear and anxiety is so strong, right?
I ended up spending most of my waking hours essentially locked inside my home. This was a seriously crazy time for me as you can tell, so I truly know how it feels to be held hostage to anxiety and panic. I really do understand what you are feeling, and it's ok. You are going to be alright..
I had always been someone who took very good care of his body, but when anxiety started to creep its way into every area of my life, I stopped taking care of myself. It became too difficult to even go for a simple walk, brushing my teeth required too much effort and seemed like a pain in the butt and I could barely be bothered to even change my clothes. In short my “self care” dropped off the map. I didn’t seem to care what happened to me and my life has soon become almost valueless.
In looking back, it seems so amazing that anxiety and panic attacks had the power to do this to me, especially when I was such a fun loving, happy guy who took such good care of himself and was always active. It really changed everything about my life, and none of it was good, at all. It also happened so slowly that I barely even knew that I was not even taking care of myself anymore. It was really quite sad. So if this is happening to you, I get it, I really do. I know how hard it can be to simply brush your teeth sometimes. It can be hard can't it? Just simply taking care of yourself, let alone those around you.
I remember that big day when I told a friend I could not go away on a ski trip with him because I was simply too scared to leave home. I was embarrassed, I was ashamed, and I was literally hating myself and what was happening in my life. I was ready to take my own life. This was an extremely low time for me, in fact it was one of the lowest and I have had more than my fair share of seriously low days, and on that day I made a decision. A critical decision.
I Made The Decision From That Day On...
…my anxiety was going to start leaving because I was going to get serious and specific about what I needed to do. That was the start of my golden path away from panic and anxiety.
And the truth is you need to do this as well. You need to say that from today on, I am going to get rid of my anxiety and panic for good and forever, and finally get my life back. I will suffer no more, say it with me.
Yeah!! Awesome.. It might seem like a silly thing to say and say out loud, (you said it out loud right?) but the truth is that coming to that decision is a big deal, because it starts to move you into a position of power where you can deal with your situation. You want control of this right?
After that day, I sat down with myself and started to look at everything I was doing to get rid of my anxiety and panic. I separated the wheat from the chaff and got down to what was actually making a difference.
There is a popular expression, “if you are in a hole, stop digging”. It makes perfect sense doesn’t it? Well, part of the problem with most people and their intense struggle with anxiety and panic is that they keep digging, but do not know that they are doing it. So I am here to tell you that this is the way to stop digging and to get yourself out of anxiety and panic once and for all.
Can you imagine if your anxiety stayed with you forever?
I mean never leaving, always there nagging at you and shrinking your life even further. Anxiety really sucks doesn’t it? Not only does it suck, but it sucks the life out of you, and I know you know what I mean because all you have to do is look at your life now and compare it to what it used to be like before your anxiety. Yeah, that’s right, it was wayyy better, wasn’t it?
Anxiety Is Not Your Fault, It Really Isn’t.
It is your minds fault, and although you and your mind may feel broken right now, you aren’t, but it sure does feel like it doesn’t it? That brokenness is something I am very familiar with, it seems to be extra strong right after a panic attack, have you noticed that?
It used to make me feel like there was no hope at all and that I was going to be like that forever. What a terrible feeling.
Complete hopelessness, yuck, that is such an awful feeling isn’t it. The thing about it that I found that was so interesting about it, was how long it lasted, sometimes it seemed to stay with me for months on end. Most people who have anxiety feel that dread and lack of hope, do you know that feeling? It sucks doesn't it?
It was there when I woke up, and there when I went to bed. No end in sight, until I started making some decisions that really needed to be made. Decisions that I thought I was making but I actually was not making.
Decisions, that if were not made, I would still be struggling from anxiety and panic today. There were not difficult decisions, but the truth is that I did not even know these decisions needed to be made. Some of those decisions are simply about accepting some things about your current situation, just like I did.
You Need To Start Accepting Things Like:
- The fact that your life is not as good as it used to be.
- That you are not the same person that you used to be.
- That you are still suffering from anxiety and panic.
- The fact that you do not have control over the parts of yourself and your life that you need control over.
- You could be living a better life right this very momentif it was not for anxiety. You likely have a keen awareness of this.
- Your life is passing you by, as you sit there with anxiety, not doing enough about it.
- You are suffering from anxiety and panic because you do not have the power to overcome it on your own.
- Anxiety and Panic has gotten the better of you.
- Anxiety and Panic is controlling your life, and you have to get your Power back, and you have to do that NOW!
- You know you need to take action on this, and this cannot wait any longer, or this dread is just going to continue.
You fear that this dread, anxiety, panic and hopelessness will never end, never go away. I did too, in a big way. I never thought I would get out of it. But I did..
You may not know this right now, but the when is actually up to you. It really is, just like it was for me. It will continue until you decide to do something about it.
Your simply have to DO something about it, and there is no time like right now to start getting control over this is there? There is no reason to wait is there?
One of the worst things about anxiety and panic is that it sometimes goes away and then comes back again. Right?
All the feelings of dread and hopelessness come back. "NO, NOT AGAIN, I thought I had this". Always there lurking, as if at any time something could go terribly wrong. Do you know that feeling of being afraid that something bad is about to happen?
Now if you've tried various coping techniques such as breathing exercises, vitamin supplements, pharmaceuticals to mask the symptoms, positive self talk, calming exercises, affirmations, simply hoping it will go away, or maybe you think you will grow out of it, or that someday soon this “rough patch” will end.
Or when you finally make some changes to your outside life then your inside life will be better right? You will feel better, right? If you have tried these things like I did then you already know that they do not work to end anxiety and panic attacks.
Now, I do not mean to poo-poo those things because some of them can be helpful and I used them too, but they will not, I repeat not get rid of anxiety and panic attacks for you. They simply can’t because they are not powerful enough.
Unfortunately those things do not have the strength to end panic attacks and anxiety forever. But you already know this if you've suffered for any amount of time, don't you?
Likely you will find, that at best they give you relief, sometimes, but then sometimes they will severely let you down and leave you spinning, sometimes for days. You have you experienced this haven't you?
Most people with anxiety have and everyone agrees, it sucks. Because you think you found something, only to be let down one more time, it is heart-breaking. One more friggen failure, and more anxiety and panic to follow. $#@&!!
Here is what is important, with everything that you have been doing to stop your anxiety and panic, you are still here, with anxiety and panic right there with you. You currently feel that you are likely going to come to the end of this painful anxiety tunnel at some point, and then get your life back? Is that right, are you thinking that?
Well, you are right, you are going to make it through the tunnel, but you have to ask yourself, is what I am doing right now really working or do I only think it is? Is it stopping your anxiety and panic? The reason I ask is because you would not be here reading these words if it were truly effective would it?
So then, you must accept that what you are doing is not working to end your panic and anxiety.
If it were, you would no longer be struggling with the pain and dread of anxiety and panic. But hey it’s ok, and it is not your fault because I was there too, in the exact same place and I know how rotten it feels. Even the word rotten seems to fall short of the experience of living everyday with anxiety and panic, or fearing that a panic attack could come at any moment. It sucks doesn't it?
I also struggled with it for a very long time, years in fact and I tried many things along the way and most of them did nothing, as my anxiety kept getting worse and my world kept shrinking smaller and smaller each day.
If you know how this feels, then I really feel for you because it can be a serious struggle. It can often feel like you are drowning. It really is a horrible experience, and it has to end doesn’t it?
You think that anxiety is difficult to overcome or get done with. You think this because it is sometimes so overpowering, and it pushes you around like nothing ever has!
And despite your efforts anxiety and panic is still in your life / a part of your reality.
Maybe you think, like so many do, that it is just chemical. So therefore drugs can fix it because I am adding chemicals to my body to make up for what I am missing. But if you have gone on drugs to fix anxiety and panic, you know that this often creates its own new set of problems by way of fear of dependence, fear of the withdrawal effects, fear of falling back into anxiety and panic and a numbing of the other parts of your life, that you know you need and want to experience.
Many people often find that once they have come off the drugs that they slip back into anxiety and panic, so they tend to stay on them, and I do not know about you, but I would not be able to handle knowing that I was dependent on these drugs just to feel normal, I would do anything I could to get off them. But maybe that is just me, or are you like that too?
Above I talked about this special day that started my “golden road away from anxiety and panic” and I have to say that it was one of the most important days in my life, I really mean that. Because of that decision to stop anxiety and panic, it made me find new things, and expand on what I already knew to be true.
It got me to experiment more and from that experimentation…
I made some massive discoveries about how and why human beings experience anxiety and what we can do to get rid of it forever.
And guess what, these discoveries lead me to a very specific method that works and works extremely well for getting rid of anxiety and panic forever. I applied this method everyday as often as I could, I changed it, I tweaked it, I kept working with it until I had it fine tuned to work every time. And guess what, it does.. It really works every time. But you likely doubt me, and that's ok, just keep reading and you will see what I mean.
The truth is, I spent years in serious pain, shutting myself in, and cutting myself off from the world because I was simply too scared to step out into the world in any big way.
I believed that no matter what I did, a panic attack would come and it would be the big one, the one that would surely crush me, the one that make my heart explode right in my chest, and I would drop dead right there in extreme fear and panic. Geez what a way to die hey?
Which of course never happened, and thankfully it did not because I can now be here and share this amazing anxiety crushing method with you, to help you end your anxiety and panic just like I did. I am sure you would like to learn more about how you can get control of your anxiety and panic attacks, am I right?
Now, of course you could do as I did and spend more time struggling with anxiety and panic. Because this took me years of pain and deep struggle to figure out and there were a lot of failures along the way.
Each of these failures was a set back that took great energy to get myself back on track, and I don’t wish that on anyone.
My hope is that you will learn from me and my big time wasting mistakes, and set backs to short cut your golden path to being done with anxiety and panic fast. Use my wasted time, effort and energy, so that you can start moving out of anxiety and panic right away. My hope is that you won't want to try and recreate the wheel for yourself, take the easy road out of anxiety and panic and learn from me. It will help you finally get your life back.
Call me crazy, but most people want short cuts out of anxiety and panic attacks. Would I be right if I thought you would like a serious short cut out of anxiety and panic too?
I have laid everything out in a very simple and easy to understand format, and systematized everything so that it can go to work for you right away. Yes, I am saying that even just hearing and seeing this information alone is sufficient to help you move out of anxiety and panic even faster.
The truth is that it is very easy to do and I have already done most of the heavy lifting for you by showing you exactly where you need to focus, and the exact steps you need to follow to make getting rid of anxiety and panic a very manageable task. Does that sound good?
The Truth Is That I Am Just A Regular Guy That Found The Massive Shortcuts To Getting Rid Of YOUR Anxiety, FOREVER!!
…I would also be lying if I told you that I had read every book about anxiety and panic attacks, or that I went to school to figure this out because I haven't. But none of that even matters because I found and easy and painless way out.
You see I used to struggle very deeply with anxiety and panic, so much so that I lived with it for quite a few years, and had contemplated taking my own life on many many occasions. It was just all too much for me.
I knew I had to find my own way out of this deep dark struggle and emotional pain, and so I worked very hard to find a way out. I found it, and it is actually much simpler than I had ever imagined.
I have an extensive, real life, tangible "education" on anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, OCD and depression.
And most importantly, how to get rid of them all forever!! This is not just a bunch of crap I read in a book, it is a real life battle tested anxiety busting method that works every time, and for everyone. No one left behind 🙂
Besides who would be better to learn how to get rid of anxiety and panic from? A guy in a white lab coat who read some books and has some letters behind his name or someone who struggled deeply like you are right now, and got himself out and then documented how he did it?
In case you were curious, this method really does amazing things for people suffering and want to finally end the suffering. I am not just some scammer that put up a website to take money from people. I have private clients that I use this method with on a regular basis, there people who pay me to coach them, and best of all it really works wonders.
My private clients pay me a pretty penny to work one on one, and my ability to help people this way is very limited by the cost involved to hire me and by my time, as I have no more time than you do. So I wanted to find a way to reach out to more people suffering from anxiety and panic, like you, that I can truly help. Does that sound good to you?
OK, just try this for a minute.
Close your eyes and imagine what your life would be like with no more anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, or depression. No fearful thoughts, no more worrying, no more trembling, no more sweaty palms, no more anxiousness, no more panic attacks, no more nightmares, just peace..
Now imagine what you will be doing when you are here, imagine how amazing it will feel to be so free, to feel so good and to do as you please. To live your life free again, free as a child to roam around and enjoy yourself every step of the way. Just imagine this.
Your eyes are still closed right? (Then how are you reading this? LOL).
Just lap it up, lap up how good this feels. Do this now. Take a few moments and do this now. Take a deep breath and breath in how good it will feel to be so free. What do you see? Where are you? What do you smell, flowers, fresh bread, breakfast being cooked? What do you feel, can you feel how strong you actually are inside?
Feels really good doesn’t it?
This is life without anxiety and panic, and it’s your time NOW, if you choose correctly...
After having spent many painful years working and finding ways to get rid of my own anxiety, I have gotten extremely good at helping other people get out of it quickly. In fact (let me blow my own horn for a second here) I have it down to a science.
I really do and it is actually quite easy and fast acting when you understand the steps and the knowledge behind them, which I lay out in detail for you to make things super easy.
Even as you sit here reading my words, you likely fear that it will never end, never go away
…and that you will never get your life back in any meaningful way. Or you mistakenly believe that it will simply go away on its own over time. Well, I can tell you that it simply does not work this way. There are things that must be done to end your panic and anxiety. If you have been suffering for any amount of time, then you already know this is the case.
I am here to tell you that YES. It can go away, it will go away, and you can make that happen very soon, but again it requires that you act, that you do something, that you decide today to suffer no longer.
Here's the deal, Anxiety and Panic need certain things from you to live. I am sure that might sound strange but stick with me. If those things are within you for Anxiety and Panic feed off of, then the door is always open for Anxiety and Panic to run rampant in your life.
If these things are not there, anxiety and panic do not happen. It really is that simple, and I want to show you how to get rid of those things that Anxiety and Panic feed off of.
Above I mentioned that I had taken notes all along my painful anxiety and panic journey. I started to observe myself, the anxiety and the panic attacks. As a result of these observations, coupled with some intense studying, I began to have some major breakthroughs. I had finally found a way out. Hallelujah I had found a way, and things started to shift quickly.
I Painstakingly Tested And Tweaked Many Things Over A Period Of Years, And Then The Anxiety Resolution Method Was Born.
You're About To Discover Exactly How To Overcome Anxiety Super Fast And...
- Stop panic attacks in their tracks, so you can expand your comfort zones and reclaim your life.
- Learn how to end general anxiety disorder, so you can start to feel normal again right away.
- Calm down very quickly, it is quite shocking how fast it works (even in acute situations).
- Aid you in returning to your former self, but in an even better form, so life will be new, fresh and easier..
- Show you how to start moving beyond the need for medications, so you can be drug free sooner.
- Move you beyond coping skills and actually end your anxiety, so you can regain an amazing life again.
- Show you where panic and anxiety comes from, so you can end it and move on with life in new and awesome ways
- Teach you how to stop the bodily symptoms fast, so you can be at ease, and not be constantly "checking in" with yourself.
- Show you why when one bodily symptom disappears another one takes it place, and how to stop this.
- Teach you how this is not because of something that you have done, so you can feel more free right away.
- Show you how to get more control over your mind, so you won't be bothered by the excessive negative talk and fearful thoughts.
- Will show you how to be and feel more safe to be yourself, so you can relax wherever you are, no matter who you are around.
- Show you how to start loving yourself again, so you can be more at peace with yourself, your life and those around you.
- Show you how to unlock hidden power inside you, so you can start to do more with your life and more easily.
- Teach you about the key elements inside your mind that must shift for anxiety to finally leave your life, so that you can feel really good again.
- Show you how you need more than just therapy, to really get done with anxiety.
- Show you how to access the confidence and self esteem that is choked off inside you, so you can simply be who you are.
- Make your anxiety and panic go away, so life can be what you want it to be. BETTER, and SOON.
- Turn down your Anxiety and Panic like a volume dial, so you can get on with life and live it the way you are meant to.
I am not joking or kidding when I say that this method is extremely powerful. I actually had a psychologist refer a client to me that was suffering from anxiety in a very bad way.
She was having panic attacks more than regularly, could barely sleep at all, and was not very functional in everyday life. I am happy to report, her life is dramatically different, she is far more powerful, she smiles all the time now and life is brand new for her now.
Now, if you are one of those people doing therapy, then I congratulate you, because you are taking steps to get done with your anxiety. I did as well. Personally I did not find them very helpful, because I noticed that it was only helpful for the day, then I would go back my normal craziness the next morning.
When I was doing therapy, it cost me $120 per session, and you know what, I would not have even thought anything about it if it was working and making a big difference, but it wasn’t. After multiple sessions with my therapist, I realized that I had just spent a large sum of money that I was not going to get back, because he wasn’t going to give me a refund for the money I had spent, just because it was not working for my Anxiety and Panic Attacks. I still felt as crazy as a loon.
And you and I both know that THE MEDICATIONS HAVE TO GO!
I mean you can't stay on them forever, right? They start to become their own problem don't they?
Here’s What I’ve Got For You:
This course has Four Main Modules, and each Module is composed primarily of videos for easy learning and fast assimilation.
There are a whopping 14 videos in all, broken down into easy to learn bite sized pieces, so that you can learn this method quickly and put it to work to get done with your anxiety and panic fast.
Trust me when I say you will want to watch these more than once because you will start to have “aha” moments that will begin to melt away your anxiety. It is totally awesome when that happens. Are you psyched?
The First Module Valued at $47
1. Deals with laying the foundation of How this method works to resolve your anxiety and panic from the core, so you can get done with it. Which means being able to get on with living your ideal life, like you should be now.
2. Shows you specifically the key elements to focus on in your life for the greatest change possible to anxiety and panic. Which means rapid change in your mental and emotional state, so you can feel good fast.
3. Introduces you to a very important tool for nailing down where your issues live, so you know where to focus your efforts. Which means saving you time and being done with your anxiety and panic sooner.
The Second Module Valued at $67
1. Talks about a dead plastic surgeon who discovered an amazing secret about human beings that very few people know about, this secret gives you the greatest leverage for easy change to move you away from anxiety and panic more quickly. (This part was a major game changer for me)
2. Outlines how this secret plays out in your life from a psycho-behavioural standpoint, so you can see how anxiety and panic plays out in your life and stop it. Which means you will understand how anxiety works, so you can be done with it right away.
3. Shows you what this secret is actually made of, and how you can use it in your life to create the change that you are looking for NOW!! Which means being able to look towards the future with hope and peace knowing that all is well.
The Third Module Valued at $97
1 Deals with the true root of anxiety and panic, and how you can get rid of it forever. Yup, forever. Which means you can finally start living without being held back by anxiety and panic.
2. Shows where the root of anxiety actually comes from, and what you can do to stop it, so you can move on with your dreams and make them happen without anxiety, panic and worry in the way.
3. Illustrates why you experience anxiety and what you can do to stop this experience in its tracks, so you can feel yourself again right away. This is a mind blower.
The Fourth Module Valued at $147
1. Teaches you a dynamic tool to identify your specific roots of anxiety and panic, so you can hit YOUR specific roots of where they start. This kills anxiety and panic dead, which means finally living and feeling so free.
2.Takes you through an exercise that stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, to put you in a state of calm and easiness, it is also what actually does the resolving of anxiety and panic itself. Its easy and it feels so amazing. Which means you can literally start to feel better right away.
3. Illustrates a key model for understanding how we as humans are able to change our lives away from anxiety and panic, and shows you how to use it to get rid of panic and anxiety right now, so you can live anxiety and panic free and feel good about yourself and where you life is heading.
Here’s What It Will Do For You:
It will heal you of your Panic attacks and Anxiety (it also works for OCD, PTSD, Agoraphobia and Depression).
I know what has to happen for you to be completely DONE with anxiety and you will find it in this extensive but easy to learn course. If you are finally ready to kick your anxiety and panic in the ass, and get your life back, then this is for you. That sounds pretty damn good doesn't it?
Even if you just had your first panic attack today or if it seems like anxiety has been with you forever, this course is going to take you by the hand and guide you through the steps of removing those excruciatingly painful things from your life, so anxiety and panic can simply go away and you can live your life with true freedom, just like you want.
You will soon be done with anxiety and panic and I guarantee it or you will get your money back.
It is that simple. Just email me and I will send you a refund. No questions asked. I really mean that. You getting results from this course is extremely important to me, because this is my baby, this is what I used to make my life into what it is today, which by the way is night and day difference.
This Is A Special Marketing Test!
The retail value if you were to buy these Four Modules separately would be $358, right now I am offering this course at an extremely low price, because the truth is I really want to get this out there and help people with their anxiety and panic in a bigger way.
This low price is temporary as this is just a marketing test. I do not plan to keep it low for very long, as I am going to turn this course into a much larger course that will be sold at far higher prices, likely $600 to $800. For now though, it is still just pocket change for this extensive Four Module, 14 video Anxiety and Panic crushing course.
Because you are ordering right now I have some awesome bonuses for you!!
21 Critical Anxiety Questions Answered
Most people who suffer from anxiety and panic have questions that just need answers. This book lays out those answers.
In many cases just having answers to these questions is enough to calm the mind and help you to feel better about the anxiety you experience.
It will help you to understand the nature of anxiety and why it is easier to get done with than you think.
This ebook is valued at $47, but is yours totally FREE right now, just for trying out The Anxiety Resolution Method.
Natural Anxiety Helpers
This book was written to provide a large variety of options for natural supplements, foods, minerals, vitamins and homeopathics to ease your state as you learn to melt your anxiety away.
I personally used many of the items in this book to help me out at times when the anxiety was really high and very uncomfortable.
Some of the items in this book are extremely powerful for relaxing you in a matter of minutes, so you can get on with the day and feel better about it.
This ebook is valued at $57 because it is a rare collection of powerful natural anxiety helpers, not found in other places. Also yours totally FREE right now..
Here’s What You Get
The First Module Valued at $47
The Second Module Valued at $67
The Third Module Valued at $97
The Fourth Module Valued at $147
21 Critical Anxiety Questions Answered eBook Valued at $47
Natural Anxiety Helpers eBook Valued at $57
If you were to buy each of these items separately they would cost you $462, but because of this special marketing test, and because I want to make it so everyone can afford this, you are going to get them right now for the extremely low price of only $37.
Let's be honest you've wasted more on a short trip to the mall, or a bad lunch...
It's only $37 and it's waiting for you now.. That is an 89.98% discount!
This Might Shock Or Possibly Even Offend You, But You Need To Know This!!
What Is Your Anxiety REALLY Costing You?
If you think $37 is not even worth trying out, then think about this...
How much time have you missed at work?
Now if you think missing work is not costing you because maybe you get paid on salary, well guess what, you are surely not going to be the one they'll choose to give raises and promotions to will they? Of course not..
Have you lost your job because of your Anxiety?
Or have trouble just getting yourself to work, or staying at work?
Have you lost your spouse?
Or found that your Anxiety is slowly spoiling your relationship with them?
How is your relationship with your kids?
Are you able to enjoy time and do stuff with them the way a good parent should?
How is your physical health?
Not good I bet, mine really suffered, its amazing how Anxiety and Panic attacks erode your body right down..
What is the cost of not doing the things you want, because you can't because of anxiety and panic attacks?
Think about it, you can't go to the movies, you can't jump on a plane to go on a proper vacation to relax and recuperate, you can't get out there and do the stuff you love because of this nasty stuff..
Have you lost any close friends?
It sure seems to happen slowly as the anxiety whittles away at everything in your life, doesn't it?
Now, be honest with yourself, this is YOUR LIFE we are talking about here. And Anxiety / Panic Attacks are slowly taking it away from you..
How Much Longer Are You Going To Let This Go On For?
The choice really is yours, keeping struggling or do something now!
Now Get A Load Of This…
The average therapy session, that has no guarantees of working typically costs about $120. For a year of weekly therapy sessions, which might or might not work, would cost you $6240. Ouch hey?
Realistically you would likely have to go for longer than a year because helping people get rid of anxiety is a complete mystery to most therapists, going for two years, that’s $12 480.
What? That’s crazy talk, $12 480. And even then your anxiety might not be gone, and you won’t get one red cent back because there aren’t any refunds in therapy last time I checked.
How much time, energy and money have you wasted trying to get rid of anxiety?
I know for me it was years, literally years to get rid of my anxiety, but once I figured out The Anxiety Resolution Method, it took no time at all.
The choice is yours my friend, you can continue to let your painful Anxiety continue to erode your life away, or you can do something about it NOW...
Anxiety and Panic is expensive in your life and its consuming you. You need to stop it NOW!! It can't wait any longer, your life is on hold because of this crap, isn't it?
Here’s What You Need To Do, To Get Free Of Your Anxiety and Panic Attacks Right Now:
Click the Button Below to get done with your Anxiety and Panic for only $37 right now and get the two ebooks as my gift to you for trying this out.
This really is nothing short of you buying your life back for only $37... That is all you pay today and forever to have this course and get done with your anxiety and panic, plus there is a 60 day full refund policy and my no weasel clause get your money back guarantee. Just send me an email and I will send you the refund. No questions, I promise!
And hey, I am taking on all the risk here, you don’t take on any of the risk whatsoever. So click the button below to GET INSTANT ACCESS and GET THAT ANXIETY GONE NOW FOR ONLY $37!!
Buy Hey, Don't Take It From Me. This Is What Jen Reimer Said...
Buy Hey, Don't Take It From Me. Here Is What A Recent Private Client Said..
“My journey with anxiety has been a long one. It wasn’t until I met Ben Sweet and started using The Anxiety Resolution Method (ARM) that I began to free myself from anxiety’s bondage.
I have been able to develop positive, healthy strategies that allow me to navigate the slippery slopes of anxiety.
He has this way of connecting with the heart of the individual he is coaching. He does this by creating a safe space; free of judgement. I spent many a session shedding a tear or two but always came away with a greater understanding of myself and my beliefs. I always felt this great sense of freedom to let go of negative beliefs I held.
Ben has been a gentle hand encouraging me to peel back the many layers I have built up over time. He’s helped me to learn how to start loving myself again and recognize that I can be victorious in my battle with anxiety.
If you’re at your wits end with anxiety and feel like there is no hope I’m here to tell you there is. With the help of a passionate, motivating, empathetic coach and The Anxiety Resolution Method you will be well on your way to a successful future.”
-Nicky Pederson
Here's what Murray from Queensland Australia had to say after 35 years of struggling...
I find your anxiety treatment a great help to myself, leaps bounds so far..
I find since starting your program my tolerance, anger, mood have improved also the knot in my stomach has loosened my sleep has improved plus I don’t worry what others are doing I thought the grounding technique was strange but again I find it a great help.
All in all I find the program the most helpful thing I’ve done in regards to my anxiety about 35 years off suffering.
Thank You
Murray Cattanach
This System Is NOT:
- Like all the rest, that just teach you to soothe yourself..
- A system that will teach you to just cope with anxiety, it eliminates it.
- Just a bunch of tricks and tools all bundled up.. This is a serious system that truly makes a difference for those who truly want to be free of their anxiety and panic attacks.
You might think you are just buying a system to get done with your Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
The truth is that this system is something that will get you your life back. Do not make the mistake of thinking this is anything less than you regaining control of your life. You need that control back, you need to get yourself back in the driver’s seat and start living your dreams, and it starts here my friend. I bet that sounds good, doesn't it?
If you are ready to get control over your Anxiety and Panic Attacks (and Depression, Agoraphobia, OCD, PTSD) then CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO GAIN THAT CONTROL.

Here’s The Worst Case Scenario Of Buying This Course Right Now
Here’s the worst case scenario, you spend $37 on this course, you think it is total crap, send me an email and I will send you your $37 back without question, that’s my special no weasel clause on all returns.
Plus you also get to keep the course. Yeah, that’s right. Keep it as my gift for trusting me enough to give this a shot.
The best case scenario is that you give me $37, and you do the course, and are done with all of your anxiety and panic, and can finally go on to life that life full of new found freedom.
P.S. You just wait until you get into it. It will blow your socks off at how powerful this method is, don’t let the low price fool you this is a highly effective Anxiety and Panic crushing strategy.
I can promise you that this price is going to go up very soon. However, because I am just launching this course to the public, I want to get feedback from you, so if you would be willing to send me an email after you have had a chance to check it out and work with it, you can have it today for only $37. If you wait the price will be higher, I can promise you that.
After you click the link, it will take you to the check out page, where you enter your information to pay the $37 for the course. So click the link now to get instant access right away! And… I even have something else for you after you pay for the course, but its A SURPRISE.. So click the button below to get started now, it’s only $37 for crying out loud. It’s your time now. Go for it. Do it now!!