Four important questions for you about your Anxiety…

Ok, anxiety sucks doesn’t it? I don’t even need to ask, but hey I did, so forgive me..
That goes without saying, but I wanted to say it anyway.

A few questions for you?

Do you know that you can overcome this?
Do you know that you have the power to get done with this?
Do you know that what you are currently struggling with is something that you can crush?
Do you know this?

If you do not, then this is part of why you are struggling.

Think of it this way, if you knew you could erase your anxiety right now, you likely would right?

Yes, that is a common thought about it, except that anxiety is self created. Each and every one of us can at any time erase our anxiety from our lives, but we choose not to.
The reason that we choose not to is where the gold lies, it lies in finding out the benefit, to payoff, the secret reason why we keep in in our lives.
Now hey, if this is just too much, or too heavy for you. I suggest rereading this email and letting this sink in because anxiety is a condition that we all experience from the inside out, not the other way around.

Based on that when we find out why we hang onto anxiety the answer then becomes clearer as to how we get rid of it.
Whether you know it or not, you do have the power right now to erase it from your life, to be done with it right now.

To make it only a memory. Part of being done with anxiety and panic is letting that concept sink into your mind.

Do this now:

Find a quiet place.
Sit with your eyes closed.
Say this statement to yourself, and then fill in the blank.
“I create my anxiety because _________”.
The first few times you say this is may sound silly, because you might not yet believe that you actually create your anxiety, that’s ok. Press on.
Repeat the phrase and fill in the blank, with as many answers as you can.
I also suggest writing down the answers and contemplate how this is the case for you.

If you really want to get right into it, do this in the mirror while looking at yourself.
This really drives it home and helps you let those answers come out. if you find yourself getting emotional, that’s ok, just let it flow.

You are ok, and this is just the junk coming out.

Yeah, the junk, for people who experience regular anxiety, they have a lot more junk than those who do not.

Part of healing yourself from anxiety and panic is getting that junk out. Getting that negative crap out of your system.

So what does that mean, well above I asked you to do an exercise, this exercise is simply about asking yourself some questions. These questions are designed to bypass your conscious mind and have your unconscious or your subconscious mind speak to show you the junk.

If I were to ask you where you anxiety and panic comes from you likely do not have an answer to that question. (However the answer is within your unconscious mind). So by asking the above “fill in the blank” style question it allows us to find out things that you did not previously CONSCIOUSLY know. Consciously, meaning in your or from your conscious mind.

Here is an easy way to know the difference between what is in your conscious mind and what is in your unconscious mind. If you are aware of it, it is in your conscious mind.

If you are not aware of it, it may or may not be in your conscious mind, and we have very few ways of actually knowing if it is in your unconscious mind.  But for all intents and purposes, do not worry about what is in your unconscious mind because you can use this fill in the blank style of questioning to pull things out of your unconscious mind. Such as the root of your anxiety, what a concept hey? 🙂

As you do this more and more you start to realize and see the sheer amount of junk in your unconscious mind, specifically junk that makes your life a living hell.

Go for it, do it now.. Give it a shot, the only thing you have to lose is your anxiety, and that’s ok isn’t it?

And of course here is my shameless plug for my Top Notch Anxiety Busting, Life Changing, World Peace Creating 🙂 , Panic Crushing Course…

The course is specifically designed to show you how to pull that junk out faster, and more easily, and more importantly, what to do once you find all that junk. This course teaches you how to literally erase that shit from your mind. I am not kidding. It sounds bold I know, but hey check it out for yourself.

Check it out here…

Crush that Anxiety, its in you to do so.. It really is..

In case you missed it, here is the link for the post that talks about those 3 super important things you need to know about your panic attacks and anxiety, right now!