Yes, this one is super important for many reasons. The biggest being, it is what keeps you ALIVE!!
Watch this video and make sure you are doing this.
(ps. If you can’t watch the video right now, then scroll down below the video to see the transcript)
(p.p.s. – Make sure you check out our previous post entitled “This is simply unacceptable” – Click Here.)
And Hey, Click Here To Check Out The Anxiety Resolution Method Course. It Really Is a Remarkable Life Changing Course.
Hey, it’s Ben, how are you doing? Ok today just like every other day is super important.
Self care, self care taking care of yourself. If you’re struggling with anxiety depression, agoraphobia, post traumatic stress disorders, panic attacks, and all that stuff just kind of a lumped in big basket. You likely struggle with self care as well.
Now what is self care? Self care is really simple hygiene, brushing your teeth, put on your skin creams, drinking enough water, making sure you actually eating enough, eating decent food, getting some exercise, getting out doors, getting some fresh air, getting some activity getting the blood moving getting the blood pumping. All of those things, you know, as funny, as small, as simple as they seem they can make a massive difference in regards to how you feels on day to day basis.
I gave you a perfect example, for me when I was struggling with anxiety in really big way, I lived on a constant diet of coffee, pizza and pop. Pretty much, pop & soda, I was pretty much all I did, I wake up in morning, I make big pot of coffee and I just drink coffee with sugar and cream all day long until the evening. And then generally what I would do, I ordered huge extra large pizza which I would have for breakfast and lunch for next day and I mean you know I would have , really anxious to go to grocery stores, so I felt crappy and I didn’t want to get myself to go there and the whole thing just spiraled. And I ended up gaining weight and very uncomfortable and just felt horrible for myself.
Here’s a thing, if I had have a little bit less coffee track a little bit less pop a little bit less soda, if I have eaten couple less pizzas everyday or per week, if I had drank a little bit less beer, little bit less red wine, I would be felt dramatically better by myself, if I taken my vitamins every day, I would felt more energize or getting out of the house going for the run, going for walk, going for bike ride, going for a hike, doing whatever I was I needed to help myself feeling better.
Here’s the thing, most people who struggle with anxiety or panic attacks of any of these things, they don’t take care of themselves.
Please I am asking you. Do not fall for this may be sure that no matter what, that every single day at least get a little bit of exercise even if you can’t leave your house walk around the circles do couple of pushups do couple of burpies, do whatever you need to do is just little bit of motion every single day cause your body really needs this.
Now if you think about it this way, we experience anxiety, we experience panic in our body. So when we don’t get sufficient movement and sufficient energy, there is not a lot of oxygen flowing through our system the way we needed to be as the result our tissues get deenergized, our brain gets deenergized we don’t sleep at night. The whole thing just kind of spirals out of control that was certainly happened to me and I noticed that there is a definite direct correlation between, you know, the amount of coffee I drink and the amount of anxiety I felt .
Now, I am not saying the anxiety causes so that coffee or caffeine causes anxiety because I do not believe that. Part I reason, I know that’s true because through the time I was struggling with anxiety I would take extended breaks from anxiety ahh sorry haha I wish I could have taken extended breaks from anxiety. I would take extended breaks from coffee and I’ve just drink you know a horrible tea decaffeinate tea and water. And so as result, I have these times so I would have no caffeine but one thing is certain, I certainly to continue to anxiety during those times but anxiety the experience the anxiety is slightly different.
Part of that has hydration in your body if you are not sufficiently hydrated, your experience of the anxiety is likely just going to be a couple of notches higher reason, reason why, is because your energy is just not flowing correctly, you’re not having sufficient electrolytes inside the body, to carry the electricity flowing through the system the way that its suppose to go.
So you end up getting, you know, for lack of a better term, and this definitely not a medical thing, but you get like short circuiting that happens in your body. So you end up getting these bodily symptoms and you know you get tingliness in your fingers or in your feet or in your back or different areas and you know it happens over on your hands and you know crawly skin feeling.
All these different symptoms that happen, a big portion of that happens as a result of dehydration and making sure that your not sufficient potassium and sodium in your diet as well. So, if you drinking tons of coffee like I was you have a tendency to get of rid of all those minerals. So it’s really important you drink good water, have some balanced diet, meaning you should have greens in your diet little bit of meat and I’m not a dietitian and not going to tell you how you should be eating.
But definitely getting enough water, taking easy on the coffee and some other caffeine things, may be you are a chocoholic and you should take a break from that. By the way I personally believe chocolate is good for you, especially dark chocolate, it has lots of other things there is actually quite calming the body as well. But again another topic. Make sure you taking care of yourself, get little bit of exercise even if just inside your house just get little bit of exercise that helps you sleep better, make sure you get sufficient amount of good clean water and make sure that you’re taking your vitamins and having a little bit variety in your diet, do you best to get some greens in your diet as well, you noticed you fell quite a bit better.
You know when it comes to even just a little things like brushing your teeth and having a shower and changing your clothes and when you do that, when you have a shower, when you brush your teeth, you change your clothes you’ll feel much better. Now I’m sure many of the people listening to this that are saying, brush my teeth, I do that, change my clothes, I do that. There are a lot of people that don’t. So it’s really important that if you are one of these people that are at that place where you’re just not taking care of yourself. Well do not let that slide, the reason is important to not let that slide, is that when anxiety finally comes at end for you, that’s going to be a lot more rebuilding that has to happen.
So if you can just help to maintain your body through that process you coming to the end of the anxiety. By the time is anxiety done is going to be a lot less rebuilding that as to happen in our life. And you’ll feel a lot better about yourself, as you are going through anxiety and working your way through anxiety and getting done with anxiety.
I hope you found that is helpful take care of yourself, ok.. Take care of yourself take care body, take care your mind take care of your spirit feel good. If like this video please share with your friends, share on facebook and youtube, leave a comment, ask a question. I’d love to hear from you, just let me know.
I hope you’re having a great day.
Chat with you soon.
(p.s. – Make sure you check out our previous post entitled “This is simply unacceptable” – Click Here.)