Inside a panic attack there is _______.

Inside a panic attack there is something that you feel you cannot deal with. Period.

If you felt you could deal with it, there would be nothing to panic about…

Think of it this way, a panic attack is something that feels very difficult very challenging and something that you feel you cannot get out of.

In truth, Panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety, are representative of something that we feel that we cannot deal with.

For the vast majority of people that experience panic attacks, they feel trapped.
That feeling of being trapped comes as a result of feeling trapped in something that the sufferer cannot escape from.

Please read that paragraph again.

Please understand that what I am saying here is that PANIC ATTACKS AND ANXIETY ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.

Consider this for a moment, each and everyone of us that suffers from panic attacks does so, as the result of different “content” in regards to what we feel trapped about. What I mean by that is this, one person may feel trapped in regards to their relationship, another person may feel trapped in regards to their job or business, whereas someone else may feel trapped in regards to their finances or debt.

What is important to note here is that these feelings of being trapped come as a result of feeling like we can’t deal with something, like we can’t handle something, like we are too powerless to resolve the problem at hand. So what do we do, we freak out, we get scared, we get anxious, we experience anxiety attacks.

For the person that feels trapped or stuck or has too many difficulties in regards to relationship; they feel that the problems in the relationship or that the relationship itself, represents things that are too difficult to deal with.

As if these problems are too big. As if these problems are bigger than that person. When the truth is that this problem itself exists in the perceiving of, or the “seeing” of the problem itself, in regards to how we perceive or see ourselves.

Now, if that sounds a little bit “out there” for you, that’s okay take a look at it this way. The reason why the problem seems so big is because we see ourselves as small.

Yes, that is exactly what I mean, the problem seems so big, because we perceive ourselves to be small.

To change the way that you see, or the way that you perceive, yourself or the problem, changes the entire experience in regards to how big the problem is. It goes from a huge, unmanageable, pain producing problem, into a problem that is handle-able, manageable, something you can work with, something you can solve.

Have you ever freaked out about a problem that you know you can solve? No of course not, because you can solve it, you know what to do, so you just go do it.

From a very simplistic standpoint all you have to do is take a look at the size and scope of the problem, and boil it down to the absolute worst case scenario. And then simply ask yourself, “Can I deal with this worst case scenario?”

Likely at this point the answer to that worst case scenario right now is no. So therefore the goal then is to shift that answer into a yes so that you are able to deal with that worst case scenario.

As long as the answer to that question is no, you will likely continue to have difficulties in regards to anxiety and panic in this particular area of your life. The reason why is because you feel as if it is too much or that the outcome of that worst-case scenario is simply too difficult for you to deal with. However I am here to tell you that you absolutely, 100%, can deal with that worst case scenario, even though right now you believe you cannot.

Maybe you have heard this expression before, “nothing lands on my plate that I cannot deal with”. Guess that? It’s true. Take that on and know that even right now you may not FEEL like you can deal with it, you actually can. Yes you can!!

You are so much stronger than you realize. You are so much stronger then you see. You are so much more capable than you are currently aware of.

As you come to the realization of how much more powerful, able, and capable You actually are, your experience of panic and anxiety will simply shift and be diminished.

Please know this, today you are different, tomorrow you will be stronger, the day after that you will be stronger again, you are able to overcome your panic attacks and anxiety, and you can do this. I am in your corner.

Are you ready to SEE that you are bigger than your anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and panic attacks?

Your partner in resolving your anxiety

Check out my almost free course on resolving anxiety. Click Here…

ps. Make sure you go and check out this post, in case you missed it. “Do you expect this to happen to you?”