If you had more of this, you would never experience anxiety or panic attacks. (Part 1)

For every single person on the planet who struggles with or simply experiences a great deal of stress or anxiety or worse yet panic attacks, there is one single element that is lacking.

Well it may not be lacking, it might just be running a bit low, or in my case maybe it is something that you are simply pushing away.

Drumroll please.

It’s power, or better yet, your power.

It has many different names, such as personal power, inner strength, power within, etc. However these should never be confused with your will power or “the will”, which are very different.

Now my case I was pushing power away, I felt that it would ruin things, screw things up, make my life worse, or create havoc in my life, to the point that I wouldn’t be able to deal with whatever came.

It was like a double edged sword. I was pushing it away because I felt that by having my power at hand, it would bring something I would not have the power to deal with. Almost silly, but that is the illogical nature of the mind that creates anxiety and panic attacks.

Here’s the deal, you experience anxiety and or panic because right now you are running low on power. You currently have a shortage of it, and as a result you do not feel powerful enough to deal with whatever may come your way.

What does that look like? In its simplest form, you fear anxiety and panic itself because you feel you do not have the power to snuff it out, get done with it, be finished with it and mo on with life.

You believe that it is more powerful than you, which is total horseshit, because you certainly are more powerful than it, but you do not believe it, and because you do not believe it, then you do not have the power at hand to use.

That’s the rub, that’s the crux, the main point, the big deal, you do not believe that you are bigger than your anxiety and panic, so as a result it has power OVER you. It hurts you, it crushes you, it messes with your head, and it runs amuck in your life. Leaving you there sitting in the ashes.

If you had more power in your system, in your mind, in your life, it would not be an issue because you would simply know that you are more powerful than your anxiety disorder and anxiety attacks. It really is that simple.

Here’s the truth that very few people know, there is a never ending supply of this power in your life. The supply of this power is completely unlimited, has no boundaries and is there for the choosing at any moment.

However most people never choose it. Ever.

Robert Collier has an excellent quote that fits this situation perfectly and it goes like this, “The power is placed in hands so taken up with other things that they have no time to seize it.”

I am going to make a blanket statement here that fits for everyone who experiences anxiety has an anxiety disorder or experiences panic attacks.

You are not accepting, permitting or allowing your power. Period.

Now we can break that statement down in many different ways and into many different segments of your life, but if you simply accept it as true, you will begin to see the places where you are not accepting it, permitting it, or allowing it and then you can open up to doing that.

As you accept your power and let it be present in your life, you will begin to know that it is yours and always was there for the choosing. I wish someone had told me that when I was struggling with all of my anxiety challenges.

Try this, for the next week, every time you can remember, just remind yourself to let your power be present, let yourself accept it, know that you have it and know that with it you are so much bigger than any anxiety could ever be.
Do this as many times as you can every day, ideally multiple times per hour. Trust me it is worth it.

Give it a try and let us know how it went. Ok?

Make today a day to remember.
Ps. This is only part one…. we’ll chat more soon.

p.s.s. Click Here to discover another recent post where we talk about the biggest secret behind all panic attacks and anxiety disorders.