Ok, so today I wanted to ensure I got this audio into your hands.. Oooo, sounds serious doesn’t it?

Well, that’s because it is. This one secret element is present in all anxiety attacks / panic attacks and all anxiety disorders, even agoraphobia..

I know that is a pretty grand statement but it’s true. Listen to the audio below to see for yourself.

Or you can scroll down below the audio to read the transcript.

You are strong, even if you don’t feel that way right now!!


ps. After listening to this audio, make sure you go and check out this post about an important characteristic that lies dormant inside every panic attack)

 Grab A Copy Of My Anxiety Crushing Course While It Is Still Super Cheap!!


Hey, it’s Ben. How are you doing?

Okay, So, I want to talk today specifically about a very, very key element that most people completely miss in regards to panic attacks and this really is a huge secret element behind all panic attacks, every single panic attack, this element is present in that. And so, because of the fact that this element is present, obviously, it’s something that we need to address. When you sit down and you address this one element in regards to panic attacks, you’ll notice a dramatic shift. First of all, the number and second of all, the intensity of panic attacks that you experience. So, specifically then, what is this thing?

It has to do with protection. More specifically, it has to do with self-protection. Self-protection is something that the vast majority of people are completely unaware of, however, it’s something that everyone who experiences panic attacks has difficulty with. So, think of it this way, think of your panic attack, instead of something that is a terrible, nasty, horrible experience, instead, think of it as a protection mechanism. In other words, you’re experiencing this panic attack to protect yourself from something. Now, of course, there’s no way for me to tell you exactly what it is that you’re trying to protect yourself from but there is something very, very specific about it.

So, then what you do with this information, how does it help you? The best thing to do with this one would be to sit down with a piece of paper and mark down a specific note or a specific date in regards to a time when you experienced a panic attack, likely, the best thing to do is to pick the one that was most recent for you. Sit down and just close your eyes, and think about what was going on in that moment when you experienced it, what were you feeling, what were you thinking; what was going on around you, what were you experiencing?

Now, when you do that the most important thing is to ask yourself this question. What exactly am I trying to protect myself from? If you’d like to get even more specific with that the best thing to ask yourself is, I am trying to protect myself from, and then you simply fill in the blanks. You do it as a statement as supposed to a question, so, to fill in the blank style question similar to the ones you saw at the [inaudible 00:02:26] report. So, you sit there, recall the feelings that you’re feeling, think about what you’re thinking about. Just allow yourself to kind of open up and feel what you’re feeling in that moment.

Allow those feeling to kind of come to the surface a little bit and then fill in the blank. Fill in the blank where you’re asking yourself, I am trying to protect myself from… Now, this may seem like a silly little exercise but the truth is that self-protection, protection is something that each and every one of us feels either on a really big scale or something that we feel on a very small scale. The vast majority of people, in fact, all people who suffer from panic attacks feel unprotected in one way or another. Now, because of the fact that you, specifically, you, experience panic attacks, and because of the fact that you experience these difficult feelings and challenges, it’s something that we’ve created within ourselves, to protect ourselves from something else that’s going on, either outside of us or something that we perceive to be happening.

So, I don’t getting into too deep. The biggest thing that you need to know is that the panic attacks are a self-protection mechanism. We’re trying to protect ourselves from something, so then, to get rid of the panic attacks really is what you want to know, to get rid of panic attacks when you sit down and ask yourself what it is that you’re trying to protect yourself from, likely you’re going to find that there are multiple things as supposed to just one specific thing. However, if it is one specific thing, that’s fantastic.

That’s really good. So when you sit down and you ask yourself, I’m trying to protect myself from “blank,” and you fill in the blank with this many answers as you can, what you’ll find is that there are specific things that you’re trying to protect yourself from. So, when you find out exactly what those specific things are, then all of a sudden you can actually do something about it.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say for instance, you’re in a situation where you feel trapped, you’re feeling kind of stuck. You’re on an airplane or you’re in a vehicle and someone else is driving or you’re in an elevator and all of a sudden you feel that kind of closed in feeling. This was something that I definitely felt and all of a sudden feel that closed in feeling, what am I trying to protect myself from. Well, I’m trying to protect myself from feeling trapped.
I’m trying to protect myself from being trapped. Now, what happens then is that when you realize that you’re trying to protect yourself from something, you then can’t help but come to the realization that you, as an individual, feel that whatever it is that you’re trying to protect yourself from is too much for you. It’s too much for you to handle, it’s bigger than you, it’s stronger than you.

So that, of course, is a lesson for another day but for right now what we’re trying to do is just to nail down specifically what it is that you’re trying to protect yourself from. If you’re willing to do this exercise, I promise you, you can notice some big leaps and bounds in regards to the number of panic attacks that you experienced and the intensity of the panic attacks themselves.

I hope you found this really helpful and we’ll talk to you soon.


ps. After listening to this audio, make sure you go and check out this post about an important characteristic that lies dormant inside every panic attack)