Innes MacLeod from Scotland got in touch with me to interview me on The Anxiety Resolution Method.

I knew you would find this recording and transcript of value, as you move yourself through and out of anxiety and panic attacks.

The link to sign up for the free report is on the right of this page.

(Make sure you check out our previous post - Can Anxiety Cause This?)

All my best




John:                This is John Innes here from Scotland, we are lucky enough to be joined tonight by Mr. Ben Sweet from Canada. This gentleman is well versed in anxiety disorder and I thought it would be useful to hook up with him to get his angle, some advice on the product we sell. Ben has put a lot of work and experience over many years into this and I would just like to introduce him to you just now. Are you there Ben?

Ben:                 I am, thank you Innes. It’s a pleasure to be here.

John:                Yeah, thanks Ben. Of course what we are going to talk about tonight is anxiety disorder and how we can get rounded. And I know you’ve got an extremely good product that can help people, I was just wondering if you could talk us through it. One of the things that I do know is, as I said you’re very very experienced, you’ve been through this yourself and maybe you could tell me how this started and how you came to develop such a fantastic product that everyone can get…

Ben:                 I’d be happy to. So I was, a long time ago and actually I still am, but I started in real estate, so I was a real estate agent, over there I think you call them estate agents. I started in real estate about 12 years ago, and after about maybe three to six months of being in real estate I noticed that I started to wake up with anxiety in the mornings and I can’t necessarily say it was a result of anxiety, but one would obviously assume, “Well what is the biggest change in your life? Well real estate.” Then it would make perfect sense that real estate is the cause, so to speak, of you anxiety.

It’s not that cut-dry, you know I usually find that people are looking for causes, but the truth is that there is no actual cause for anxiety which, in a lot of ways, keeps people looking in a fruitless search for the cause of anxiety. But the truth is there isn’t really a cause for it, but is definitely roots to anxiety and everyone’s roots are similar but slightly different. And so when we go in and we nail down what an individual’s roots are in regard to their anxiety it makes it easier to kind of get rid of those things.

Anyway I had been experiencing anxiety and it kind of grew from this, you know I was experiencing a little bit of it in the mornings, and then I started to experience a little bit of it throughout the day. And then in mornings it got a little bit stronger and to be honest with you, it just kept growing and growing and growing throughout my life. I would wake up in the morning and my gut would be as hard as a rock and I would be clenching my jaw and clenching my fists all night long.

I would wake up in the morning and my jaws would be exhausted, my stomach muscles would be exhausted, my forearms would be tired and it was almost like I was exercising all night long in a really unhealthy way. And that anxiety got stronger and stronger and bigger and bigger in my life to a point where I started to fear the anxiety at night. So before I go to bed at night I’d start to get nervous about experiencing the nervousness, the anxiety the next day. It just kept growing and growing in my life and getting worse and worse. And I’ve got to tell you, it would be nice to say it started to get better from there but the truth is that it just got worse because shortly after that I experienced my first panic attack. And then I started to experience panic attacks more often and in all these different places and I started feeling more and more trapped in my everyday life.

I really have a firm grip, a firm understanding as to that whole painful experience and the anxiety because I lived it for a good number of years and for me it got to the point where I could barely even leave the house. There were some days where… I remember I wanted to go to the corner store which is literally 2 blocks from my house. I threw on my jacket, I stepped on the front steps, I walked across my lawn and I got on to the side walk, and then I started to feel these massive waves of anxiety rushing over me and it and it was all I could do to not just run back in the house.

I kind of had to force myself to get to the store to get the things I needed and come back to my house. And I have multiple stories that are just like that, that are just as intense anxiety that took control of my life and really began to just limit things in a really big way. It got out of hand, I think agoraphobia, which is essentially just a fear of open spaces or feeling unsafe outside of a certain safe zone, which for me was my house.

It got really out of hand, it was a pretty painful thing and that’s my initial story, my initial experience with anxiety itself and anxiety and panic attacks. I always like to include this social anxiety angle because a lot of people assume that social anxiety is just this separate thing, like it’s not part of an anxiety disorder or it’s not part of an anxiety problem and that social anxiety is it’s own thing altogether but the truth is it’s underneath the umbrella of anxiety.

So if there is anyone listening that is having difficulties with social anxiety, please know that the things we are going to talk about today are totally applicable to exactly what you may be experiencing with regard to social anxiety because I certainly had a lot of that as well. I just couldn’t get myself to go meet friends or hang out, or just go out and do things. I was simply unable to do that, there was just too much fear involved. Someone would ask me to do something, they would be like “Hey do you want to come over to my party, it’s in six weeks,” and I would be like “Yeah, that sounds great, I need to get over and see some people”.

And then I’d wake up the next morning and it would be like, “Do I really want to go to that party? I know it’s in six weeks,” I would start to worry about it the next day after the invite and then I would eventually talk myself out of it within a couple of weeks and I would just send them an email saying, “No thanks for the invite but I’m not going to be able to make it.” So the social anxiety was part of the whole thing. I like to say that I had the complete package of anxiety so to speak and it was pretty painful.

John:                Absolutely Ben, everything you have mentioned here would indeed come under the umbrella of whatever everybody seems to think about anxiety. Maybe what we thought before until we looked at it more deeply, where people would say “oh just pull yourself together and get on with it.” And people don’t really understand that by popping along to the drug store or going to see your doctor to get a tablet isn’t really the cure.

And it’s interesting listening to you Ben, that you talk about the anticipation of anxiety would bring on anxiety and it would self, all the way around, that it would affect how you sleep, the environment you are in, it would scare you. So all these things, if I’m right… sleep and social anxiety anticipation, fear, even what we would call classic shyness would all come under the umbrella of anxiety. Is that right to say that Ben?

Ben:                 I completely agree Innes, I would say that’s absolutely right. The only one exception I might throw in there, and this is that in regard to… sometimes shyness itself, and I’m not talking about shyness in adults, but more like shyness in children is a little bit different I feel. I think it’s less of an anxiety thing and it’s more of a self-esteem or self-confidence issue and it might as well be combined with some anxiety stuff, but for the most par I would say it’s more of a self-esteem thing, which, oddly enough, we can talk about this later but self-esteem and self-confidence, they really do play into the big picture of anxiety as a whole, there is no two ways about that.

John:                I think they do Ben, I think the whole thing about self-esteem and shyness, it kind of feeds the indigenous problem that could always be there. And it’s interesting to listen to what you did as a career, working in anything to do with financial services or anything in that line can be extremely high pressure. But there is even people that do day to day jobs and one of the thing that I have come across quite often is people that get so frustrated with themselves because they are trying to do things, they look at other people and see what they can do and they take it all into their, “How can they do it and I can’t?” and what everybody misses is that you don’t choose to have underlying anxiety.

It could be something that happened to whether you know it or not, it could be something you were born with but the good news is that if you actually know what you’ve got, whether it’s a condition or whatever we want to call it, if we know what we have we can deal with it. And I think the thing you’ve done extremely well Ben is you’ve got a system where you can identify, do a self-analysis and then work and well rounded and become more confident with dealing with it. And the most important thing is you become more comfortable with yourself.

Ben:                 Absolutely. Actually, you’ve really hit the nail, I can tell you that, at the time that I was really experiencing anxiety in a really bad way, my self-esteem and my confidence and my sense of being safe within myself and within the world, it was short. Every single day, I just felt like I was running on empty, everything I had was going towards breathing and getting myself to eat and show up for work, it took so much work just to stay alive. It got really bad. The system that I created, The Anxiety Resolution Method, this system, the one thing that I really like about it, it doesn’t just fix anxiety, it doesn’t just help with anxiety. The way that I describe it to people who don’t really know what it’s about, the best way for me to describe it is that everyone of us, and you talked about this, how can you see some people that seem to go through and take it all in stride and some people, pardon my French, but they kind of just lose their shit in regards to something. They get all upset about something, how is it that one person does and one person doesn’t?

The truth is that each one of us has these different default settings within ourselves, we have these different perceptions of how we see ourselves and how we see the world. And these different perceptions happen because of the inner settings that we have, these default settings. Now, we are all born with a number of default settings and the settings are all different. And then as we grow up, we take in information from the world, from our environment and from our parents and teachers and friends and family friends and all of that.

We take on all of this different programming in different ways and that changes our inner settings, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. But what happens is, as we change these inner settings, the way that we see ourselves and the way that we see the world changes as well. And so what happens is, when these settings change, we end up behaving, feeling, acting and thinking differently. A lot of this stuff does not happen in a blink of an eye or overnight, but there are certainly times. And I know for me, after I experienced my first panic attack, it opened Pandora’s Box for me.

My entire life just quickly started to go downhill after that moment. And I can tell you what happened was, after I experienced that I had some big things that shifted and changed inside of me. And all of a sudden I just felt that I couldn’t rely on myself anymore to be able to carry myself through my everyday life, and I didn’t feel safe in the world and I did not have confidence or any sense of self-esteem in regard to be able to do the things I needed to do and travel the world and see and explore and live my life the way I wanted to. The wheels just kind of fell off my bus and all of a sudden, the bus just stopped moving forward.

Going back to what I was saying specifically, what this method does, and people can get tons of information about it, I think you’ll probably put a link where people can sign up for a free report underneath the recording, but what happens is that this system will help you change these settings. And when you change these inner settings you can’t help but think, feel and see things differently. And when you think, feel and see things differently, then you experience life in different ways.

You can easily go from looking at the world in your own mind, and of course we have to accept responsibility for the fact that we see things because, Innes, you and I see things differently, your perception of what the world is is completely different than mine and my perception of what the world is is different than yours. So the way that I see the world, I look out to the world and I think “the world is a beautiful place, it’s a friendly place, it’s a loving place, it’s a caring place,” but I’ve got to tell you, there’s lots of people that will look out and say, and I know I would have said this a few years ago, I would have said the world is a scary place, it is a corrosive place, it is a nasty place, it’s a draining place, it’s a place where I get taken advantage of, it’s a place where I get hurt and people step on me and people manipulate me and people do all of these things to me. Why would I want to go into a world like that? I’m just better off to stay at home.

That was the kind of the place where I was and I had to change the undo these inner settings and change these inner settings. It’s not so much that I am a really well educated person or anything like that and I’m definitely not a doctor and I don’t have any degrees. To be honest with you I’m a college dropout, but the truth is that I found some massive shortcuts in regards to getting done with anxiety and panic attacks. These shortcuts have to do specifically with changing these inner settings and they are not difficult to do.

There is definitely a little bit of a learning process and understanding where and how these inner settings come from and specifically what they are inside of our mind and inside of our brains and bodies but once we learn how to change these inner settings, getting done with anxiety and panic attacks is not difficult. It might not be something that happens overnight for you but within a few weeks, a few months, a little bit more than that possibly. Everyone is different of course and everyone starts and ends in a different spot, but getting done with anxiety and panic attacks is not a difficult thing.

I’ve got to tell you Innes, the world makes it out to be some big bad mysterious thing that nobody has cracked the code for which in my mind, I just look at that and I think, well it’s just that there hasn’t been enough experimentation in regards to it, people haven’t really applied themselves. One of the biggest things for me is that I used to see a therapist and I remember talking to him and just saying “Here is what I’m experiencing, this is a panic attack,” and he is like “Are you experiencing this and this and this?” and I’m like “Yeah and I don’t know what to do in these situations,” and I could tell that he was giving me advice from stuff that he read in a book.

I said to him “I don’t want to do any medications”, and I did do some medications and I did not find them helpful. But the one thing I can say, I look at it and I think “who is the best person to learn how to get done with anxiety from? Someone who’s done it, or someone who has read all about it and has a degree on it?” If I want to learn hoe to tie a knot, I’m gonna hire someone, I’m gonna talk to someone, I’m gonna read a book from someone who is the best knot tier in the world.

It’s not someone who’s read the most books about tying knots. I’m a very big fan of being very practical and pragmatic, I’m constantly testing and doing my best to find better ways and more effective ways and faster ways to do things, to accomplish things in my life. And I’m gonna be honest with you, I remember the day that I sat down when I just came to the realisation that my life is completely out of control and I have to do something now. And I literally sat down and just thought “okay, I have no idea how or what I’m going to do, but I’ve got to do something.” So I sat down with a piece of paper and I just said “okay, what am I doing in my life right now that is working? What do I need to do more of? And what in my life do I need to experiment with that’s not working.”

One of the things that I decided I wasn’t going to do more of was therapy because I didn’t find that it was working for me and here is the thing, everybody is in a different spot, if you find that therapy is working for you then you should just keep doing that and I’m not one to say stop it but I’m just saying that for me it did nothing. For most people that I communicate with on a daily basis in regards to anxiety, they are not getting much from it either.

And a couple of years ago, I guess it would have been last year, a year or two ago, I sat down with a client of mine who is a psychologist and I guided her through this process, but we did it specifically for something outside of anxiety. Some things she wanted to work on, I’m not kidding you, her mouth was just wide open when I showed her how this works and I guided her through the process and she went through the process and letting go of some things that were holding her back in other areas of her own life. Probably about two months later she sent me a patient that was struggling with anxiety.

I did some work with this patient and within about three or four sessions of working together she was just in a different place. She was experiencing panic attacks, sometimes two or three times during a week and then the last time we spoke she hadn’t experienced a panic attack in ages. It comes right down to going in and changing these inner settings and again I’m not really explaining it well, I’m kind of doing that on purpose but I’ve got some really good secrets that I want to share with people but it’s important to know that all the information I’ve spent years working on and I want to share it with people but I want to do it in a way that’s not just willy, nilly.

I want to do it in a way that people can understand and that’s why we’ll put that link for the free report there and the free video so they can just sign up and get access to it. In that way, it kind of, this thing to make the most sense. Does that make sense to you Innes?

John:                It does absolutely Ben, I think the whole thing, its complex in a way but it’s not complicated and I think one of the things that people need to realise, as you quite rightly identified here Ben, you go to a therapist and for some reason it’s not just their view but it’s a general view from the outside, that ‘one size fits all.’ One quick fix they might say to you something like “You are feeling a bit anxious today, go out and do a 5k and come back, you’ll feel much better” but it’s deeper than that I think.

One of the things that people need to get in touch with is themselves. Nobody know them better than themselves, and if they can really sort of hook up with someone that’s been through it, you used a great example here about if you want to tie a knot you wouldn’t go to a cake maker, you would go to someone that’s been through it. And one of the things that I, the bits I do know about anxiety, and that’s why I’m speaking to you Ben because you are really up to speed on this, is that people that have anxiety and looked at themselves are well in touch with their thoughts, their behaviours, their mood and their physical reactions and later on maybe the environment.

And all these things are linked, but it’s only by being in touch with yourself that you can control them. And then by using the techniques that you have in the Anxiety Resolution Method, that’s the way I would advise people to go and you have done a good job of explaining this. One of the things I was going to ask you Ben about was sleep disorder because one of the things that often happens to people that are anxious it will, even without their knowledge, affect their sleep and that could come, waking up in panic attacks, waking not feeling good and fear.

It could be because they are having bad dreams, and quite often their dreams will be a reflection of the way they feel psychologically and very often, as anxiety is an inability or a fear of things happening that you can’t control, however irrational they may be. What can you tell me about sleep in your findings Ben?

Ben:                 That’s a really good question Innes, it’s funny, before I actually decided to create the Anxiety Resolution Method I created a course on helping people to sleep. Are you familiar with the word CHI?

John:                Yes.

Ben:                 And are you familiar with the word PRANA?

John:                Yes.

Ben:                 So PRANA and CHI are two words that describe the exact same thing, and essentially what those two things are, is they are the life force that is within us. They are the energy that flows through our body. Before anyone decides to press the stop button on this recording I wanted to say this, each and every one of us has a certain amount of this “energy” that flows through our body. And this is the energy that animates our body so to speak, now I wanted to say this; this is not new age, this is not some hairy very ridiculous kind of stuff.

This is real tangible stuff that goes back for millennia in the Asian cultures, specifically in regards to the study of this energy that flows through the body. So sleep disturbances, pain, anxiety, depression and any other type of difficulty that we experience either mentally or physically comes as a result of some sort of disturbance to this energy flow. Again, some people might be listening going, “This just sounds absolutely ridiculous.” But just stick with me because this is really important to understand. So when there is an interruption or there is some sort of disorganisation in regards to the energy flow through your body, you are not going to feel good, you simply do not feel good. And I have a really good example, a perfect example is a hangover. It’s actually a really good example of, let’s say for instance you go to the pub, you meet your friends and instead of having one or two or three pints, you end up having six or eight or twelve. And of course you wake up the next morning, and I don’t know anybody that feels good after having eight or ten pints of beer, but you wake up that next morning and you just feel terrible right. Innes do you feel pretty crappy after that many pints of beer?

John:                Well yeah Ben, that’s all of the reasons to think about, you do because you are disturbing just the whole aura, just disturbing everything that was functioning well before.

Ben:                 So what happens is most people when they experience a hangover, they attribute it to “I’m not getting enough connectivity in my brain because I don’t have enough water in my system, I’m dehydrated throughout my entire system.” Yep that’s definitely part of it but the other part that’s happening is that your energy levels, your PRANA, your CHI are extremely low. And so that’s why we end up experiencing various different aches and pains throughout the body, which is pretty common for people who experience anxiety.

We experience headaches which are also pretty common for anxiety, we experience abdominal issues, pains, different pains and discomfort, digestive issues, all kinds of things that also you experience during a hangover. Someone who has chronic anxiety or chronic anxiety disorder will also experience those things. I’m kind of making… and I’m gonna go back to the sleep thing, but specifically what I wanted to say is that anytime there is a major disruption to the energy that flows through your body, you are going to experience some sort of major discomfort or major pain.

I was out mountain biking a few months ago when I sprained my ankle, I fell off sideways on the bike and had a pretty bad fall and I really did my ankle in pretty badly. And it hurt for a long time and I’m still just kind of at the place now where it’s almost back to normal, but what I wanted to mention is that anytime you have any type of an injury like that, part of what’s happening there is that the acute injury disrupts the energy flow in the area and as a result we experience the pain.

The energy is not flowing through the ligaments, flowing through the bones and flowing through all of your connective tissues and joints and the fluid is not flowing properly, nothing is flowing properly there because everything just got really disorganised as a result of this injury. So when I experienced that first panic attack, things quickly went downhill for me because I experienced that event, and if you look at that event of having a panic attack it’s almost like the injury so to speak, it changes all these inner settings in your mind and as a result, over time, after that event, everything just kind of seems to misfire and things don’t seem to work correctly and everything seems extremely disorganised. Is this making sense to you Innes?

John:                Yes it does absolutely Ben, one of the things I was thinking about as you were talking here was that one of the things that people with anxiety of any level, particularly chronic anxiety, often feel is vulnerability. They feel vulnerable, so just as your ankle when you came off your mountain bike, it interrupts flows, your body will do certain things because “I’m vulnerable here, I’m going to change all the settings to protect myself.”

It’s quite interesting that one of the things I noticed about anxiety suffrages, amongst the many other things that can happen is they just feel terribly vulnerable to the whole world. And that again feeds back into the anxiety and that just gets worse and worse and worse. Does that make sense to you Ben? Is that where you’ve experienced this?

Ben:                 Absolutely, that’s exactly the same thing. And again if you think about ,kind of going back to the ankle thing, my ankle since that time has been more vulnerable and I have rolled it a couple of times since then. So reinjuring it, if you look at it in terms of having successive panic attacks, it’s almost like it opens that door to be reinjured again so to speak, or opens the door for you to experience a panic attack and so you’re actually right there, and the other part of that kind of going back to the sleep thing is that having a good quality sleep is very difficult for people who experience chronic high anxiety or who experience regular panic attacks and the main reason for that is because of this disruption of energy flow in the body.

Now, what I wanted to say is that anxiety and panic itself disrupts energy flow, period. It just does does that. But the other interesting thing is that it’s not so much that it is the cause of that, but it can be a contributing factor to lets say, a lower energy flow. The other part of that equation is that the lower energy flow also opens you up to experiencing more panic attacks and more anxiety as well. So it is almost like there is this loop that happens which is why any doctor, and they don’t even realise they are doing this, at least I assume they don’t, but when they say, ”Hey, go and get some exercise.”.

Exercise is really good for helping to reorganising your energy, now it may only do it temporarily which is why they say get exercise every single day, but one of the things I can say for sure is that for people who are experiencing some really bad anxiety right now, if you will just get a little bit of exercise everyday you are going to find that helpful. That is not going to cure anxiety or cure panic attacks but it will certainly help to get a better energy flow through your body on a regular everyday basis but again, going back to the whole mind thing.

I was just having an excessive stress in my life at the time and I experienced a lot of difficulties and changes going on inside of my life ,and as a result of things my mind was just so busy I couldn’t quiet it down. I started to experience more and more anxiety, and when the anxiety got to a certain level I just started to feel excessively vulnerable like you said and I also got to this place where I was feeling like I was topping out, meaning that I just felt that I was so overwhelmed ,I just couldn’t take it anymore but then I also felt like I just couldn’t get a break ,I felt like I couldn’t get away from the circumstances of my life. Without getting into all the details of all the things that was going on in my life I will say that I had a lot going on and it was so challenging for me and as a result of this I just felt like it was too much. And so I started to experience the chronic anxiety and the chronic anxiety turned into panic attacks, and then the panic attacks turned into agoraphobia and then there was excessive OCD attacks as well, my ability to focus and to get my job done, it quickly.

I mean, honestly, it happened quickly in a matter of a year to three years, right after that first panic attack blown. Everything just got really bad, for a good two or three years after that. That was when it got to a point when I said to myself that this is enough, I have to get myself out of this because otherwise I am gonna have to leave because life is not suppose to get this painful. I am here to tell you right now and Innes you already know this but I want to say to the people who are listening, you are going to get done with this especially if you give yourself no other choice.

So essentially you have two choices, you can either continue to live with the anxiety or take some actions around it and get done with the anxiety, you can do something about it. You can start moving in the direction of getting done with anxiety but it does require some action on your part, no one is gonna do it for you. Even just relying on all the experts is not going to fix your anxiety .There are still some actions and some implementation and things that you as an individual will need to do and if you are willing to just try, if you’re willing to take steps moving forward and take actions towards getting done with anxiety, you will start to experience less anxiety, it is really that simple.

You will try different things and some of the things will work some wont, but the most important thing is you will never ever ever ever stop trying. That is the only way you will continue to live with anxiety is if you stop trying to get done with it, if you stop taking steps, if you stop working towards getting done with it. And make sure you are getting all the help that you need. If you are not at a place where you feel you can sit down and watch some videos or read a book or learn some things and put them into practice. If you need to go to a therapist then you need to do that.

That is important, but I just want to say that the fact you are here and listening to this recording is a huge step, the fact that you are getting emails from Innes and you are reading the things that he is sharing with you .Those are important steps and you should continue listening to Innes and doing the things that he recommends because he is here to help, and I’m here to help as well. That’s why we are doing this recording, because we really care. We want to help people get done with anxiety because we’ve both had some serious struggles with it and it is just a plague, isn’t it Innes? It feels like the worst possible thing that can happen in your life next to death, right.

John:                It is, it’s absolutely right Ben, I struggled desperately with it, I got used to it, I took it the same, had the same exact mind set as you, I said, there is a way of doing this and as you justifiably said you need to go to your doctor, you need to go to a therapist, that’s what you need to do .But it’s not erased so much that we know that answer lies within. I can absolutely guarantee, it does flag within, you don’t need to live with this you can really punch anxiety into the ground, you can start clean with your life, you’re the best example I’ve ever come across of this Ben, a real driving force and you have given us a lot of thought and its obviously helped you. You’re just an ordinary guy so if we can do it anybody else can do it, that’s how we argue it.

Ben:                I completely agree, you don’t need super powers to get done with anxiety and you don’t need some magic drug, some magic pill. There is no two ways about it, I can tell you that for me I took a whole cornucopia of different supplements, I took lots of different things and, all of them, I don’t say all of them but some of them are really helpful, some of them kind of did nothing, but on the same token I was taking so many different vitamins and stuff every single day.

Just because I was like, I just need something to help, and again I didn’t want to go do the medication route, so I was doing my best to go the natural route and there are definitely some things out there are very helpful. I don’t know if you’ve done any herbals or anything like that. Herbal supplements or special vitamins or anything in regards to anxiety but I can tell you that for me, there are definitely some out there, have you tried any of this?

John:                I did, I tried a few from a drug store ,but I must admit and to be frank with you after spending a small fortune on different things I thought, I don’t really feel any better. I could keep doing this, until the 12th of never but I always felt that I wasn’t really getting to the bottom of the issue. And that was the same when I would g to a therapist, I just felt, there is a way of this, there must be something. One of the most important things was I started to feel better by listening to people like you Ben, was that I sort of discovered that its not that much of a blame and I started to feel better about myself and I actually felt that people started to look at me differently as well.

They probably weren’t, I was still in the same shapeless state. But felt better about myself. Once I was more in contact with exactly what was going with me and it was nothing more that anxiety that was brought on, in my case same as yourself, through a profession but I think it’s something that could possibly be there indigenously in us as individuals. But it’s definitely something that we can beat, we can control, we can feel good about ourselves and we can look at the world differently as well. I think that’s the way you feel as well Ben?

Ben:                 I do, I absolutely do. I think probably one of my most favourite things about this, as funny as it sounds, my most favourite thing about overcoming anxiety is when you start to get traction, meaning that you are in this place, you just feel like you are being buried six feet underground and that you would just rather die than having to wake up the next morning and live your life with anxiety again. But what happens is when you start to get some traction and all of a sudden you come to these places because it hits you in these ways that you didn’t experience and what I mean by that is this, all of a sudden, you would just be going on about your everyday life and you would be like, “Hey, hey, hey, hang on a second here. I feel good. I’m not feeling anxious, I feel like I have energy for life again,” whereas a month ago, a week ago, a year ago. I wouldn’t even be able to be here. So when you start to get your life back.

When you start to feel more free, it just perpetuates and all of a sudden you want to go to these places where you used to experience the anxiety so that you can own them, so that you can get your life back, in bigger ways. When that cog catches, when that chain catches on the cog all of a sudden you just, you want to put more and more energy into getting your life back. I mean it’s just a great feeling, to just go “Ah man, yes. I’m not experiencing anxiety,” it’s so good. So I just want to let people that day is coming and you are gonna get to that spot but you need to take some steps.

And Innes I feel great about the stuff that you are doing because there’s lots of people out there that, they are just trying to make money selling this stuff and if they’ve got a great product, if they’ve got a good thing that helps people, then that’s awesome and I think they should be doing that. And there are lots of people out there that do that. What you’re doing and what I’m doing, we really care about people because this is something that is extremely personal to us.

We just have these vested interests to kind of help to rid the world of anxiety because it is really painful and the way it steals our own individual personal power, our ability to live the life that we want, the way it just steals our freedom. Like anything that I can do to help people get done with it, I’m gonna do that. I think it’s important that we keep kind of sharing this message that, “Hey, you can do this and here is some things that you can do to help yourself along the way.” I think that’s super important. I think you are doing an awesome Innes, I think it’s really important that you are doing what you are doing.

John:                Yes thank you very much Ben. I share the same, I don’t think that people really sort of, not people that have anxiety but the general world, they don’t realise that anxiety is a real issue. It slows people down, you feel really unwell, and apart from that you just, the individual does not feel good about themselves and function right. The good news is it can be beaten, it can be done. And both you and I Ben, we have a vested interest, nothing either than that vested interest in caring for people or sharing the message “It can be beaten.” I don’t know if that’s how you feel about it Ben.

Ben:                 I absolutely do Innes. What do you think, should we wrap it up here? Are there any other questions that you might have?

John:                I don’t think so, we could wrap it up at that and it was a pleasure talking to you…

Ben:                 Actually you know what Innes, the only other thing I wanted to add in there was I just wanted to say, if any of your subscribers are looking to kind of to take the things that we just talked about further, there should be a link underneath this video, if Innes put it there, where you can just click on that and it can take you to a spot on my website where you can download a free report. And in this free report which is called Breaking The Grip That Anxiety Has on You.

You can download that free report, there is a video in there, there is some really important exploratory questions and some exercises in there that will help to move you out of anxiety right away. In the video, I don’t know if you got a chance to check it out yet Innes, in that video it shows it shows an actual rounding technique that is remarkable. If all anyone just did was to learn that rounding technique and they were to do that technique five, 10, 15 minutes every single day uninterrupted. I’ve got to tell you, in itself is a major life changer. But just go there and sign up, pop in your name and email address, get the free report and jump on that and have some fun with it.

John:                Yeah absolutely Ben, that link will be under the video.

Ben:                 Okay, well excellent. Thank you Sir, I appreciate you giving me a call today and I’m really happy to be able to chat with your subscribers and share some of the stuff that I know.

John:                That’s brilliant Ben, it was a pleasure talking to you and I hope a lot of people get a lot out of what we talked about today. Good.

Ben:                 Me too, thanks again.

John:                Thanks again Ben.

(Make sure you check out our previous post - Can Anxiety Cause This?)